Dec 16th, 2024
News Daniel Frajman Publishes an Article on the New Potitical Activity Rules for Charities in the Lawyer’s Daily
Jan 22nd, 2019
The legal magazine, The Lawyer’s Daily, just published an article written by Daniel Frajman, lawyer and shareholder at Spiegel Sohmer, on the new political activity rules for charities that were just passed into law federally.
Entitled Charities need to tread carefully through new political activity rules, this text offers a brief review of these new rules. ʺThe new legislation is therefore more welcoming to political (now called public policy dialogue and development) activity, but one must still tread carefully to assure the public policy activity remains supporting/in furtherance of/ancillary/incidental/secondary to another stated purpose in the corporate charter that is charitable.ʺ
To read the complete article, click here.