Dec 16th, 2024
Aug 19th, 2019
Each year, the Quebec CPA Order organizes the Grands Rendez-vous CPA, and Me Louis-Frederick Côté will be speaking at this year's Grand Rendez-vous which will be taking place in Montreal, on October 8. He will analyze the relevant constitutional provisions pertaining to Quebec's ability to force non-residents of Quebec to collect the QST. He will also review the powers of Quebec to enforce Quebec tax judgments in other jurisdictions, and vice versa, and will propose avenues for solution. Finally, the speaker will analyze the consequences of the Wayfair decision of the U.S. Supreme Court and the new State legislations of U.S. States, while creating a link with Saskatchewan, Manitoba and British Columbia.
Do not miss this event!
For additional information on the Grands Rendez-vous CPA and to register: